St Nicholas
Orthodox Christian Church

Who We Are

We are a worshipping  community of  the Eastern Orthodox Christian Tradition. We proclaim the Truth given to us by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We preserve the theology of the Nicene Creed and teachings of the early church established by the apostles and bishops from the beginning, as given to them directly from Jesus Christ. We participate in corporate liturgical & sacramental worship services and practice the ancient personal traditions for spiritual life and growth. 


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Your Family in Christ

Every person is created in the image and likeness of God. Through salvation in Jesus Christ we are adopted into One Family – One Body – A New Creation. We are energized by the Holy Spirit to love God and love one another unconditionally, without judgment, and invite all people to join His holy family that includes all Christians past, present, and future.


Liturgical & Prayer Life

We join all Orthodox Christians around the world to participate in the beautiful and heavenly liturgical services and regularly receive the grace of God through the holy sacraments. We personally practice prayer, fasting, giving to the poor, and works of mercy making our entire life a prayer to God.


Fellowship Groups for Everyone

We are all connected one to another and to God. It is a divine and human fellowship of love and life. There is a place for people of every age and stage of life to connect at St. Nicholas.


Outreach & Ministries

God made us in love to love. We manifest this reality through intentional and meaningful ministry opportunities to build up all the members of our church family. We invite our surrounding community to come and learn about God’s Love and the fullness of the Christian faith. We also walk out our doors to meet the community where they are and help them discover God’s love, together.


From the Blog

The purpose of the Adult Education Ministry is to embody the spirit of life-long learning in each participant as together we seek and share the Orthodox Christian life by ever growing in their faith and understanding. Adult Education is comprised…

JOIN THE PARISH OF ST. NICHOLAS, GRAND RAPIDS AS WE CELEBRATE OUR PATRONAL FEAST Thursday, December 5 / 6:00-8:15 PM St. Nicholas Orthodox Church / 2250 East Paris Ave. SE 49546 6:00 PM: Candlelight Vespers (Evening Prayer Service) 7:00 PM:…

  MEN & WOMEN: Mark your calendars! Our annual event in support of St Gianna’s No Cost Baby Boutique. Please RSVP no later than November 6. Items needed by the Baby Boutique are as follows: - sippy cups - toddler…