Parish Connection
God made us in love to love. Our relationship with Him and with each other is built on this incredible gift of love! Parish Connection is an organization that provides opportunities to minister the love of Christ to our St. Nicholas Church family through intentional & meaningful interactions. We have several programs that allow us to do just that.

To be connected, all parishioners are listed in the St. Nicholas Church directory. It is a photo registry of our members with their names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers.

Nurses and doctors at St. Nicholas provide counseling, referrals, and advocacy for our members. This ministry realizes a connection between spirituality and health. Blood pressure checks are conducted regularly; CPR certification is offered; End of Life information is shared.

At different times in our lives, we can find ourselves sick or recuperating from an illness or we can be experiencing the difficulty of aging and be unable to come to church. That’s when the parishioners come to our shut-ins. We Christmas carol to them, take them meals, send cards and flowers when they’re in the hospital so our shut-ins remain connected to their St. Nicholas Church and to fellow parishioners.

When we’re aging and unable to drive any longer, we lose a sense of independence. We don’t want to lose a sense of church, too. Our transportation team at St. Nicholas gives our shut-ins a ride to church so they can attend services and stay connected with old friends.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, as the saying goes. Members of this St. Nicholas ministry organize, tidy and straighten the common areas, particularly the main church, the kitchen, and the Cultural Center.