Food For Hungry People




ffhpFor 49 years our Archdiocese has been raising funds for the Food for Hungry and Charitable Outreach Program (FFHP) started by Metropolitan Phillip in 1974. Through your generosity, over $7,000,000 has been distributed to the hungry and poor, locally, in the United States and around the World. 

With all the natural and man-made disasters, we’ve seen in the past year, we need your help now more than ever. The earthquakes, hurricanes, and the war in Ukraine have displaced millions, and they need our help. 

This year, we are keeping our goal at $7,000, and we are relying on every St. Nicholas member to help meet it through your daily prayers and almsgiving throughout this Lenten season. Consider following the FFHP Lenten Calendar and Venmo daily or weekly based on following the daily/weekly schedule. 

All donations are due by Sunday, May 7, 2023 so please think about giving all you can to this wonderful organization that has given so much to feed the hungry all over the world, and even right here in Grand Rapids!

Write a check noting FFHP on the memo line.
Give electronically using Venmo or the Donation link on our website


For helpful tips or ideas for fundraising, check out these ideas.

Thank you for your contribution to assist St. Nicholas in reaching our minimum goal of $5,500.

“If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered”
Proverbs 21:13