Women’s Ministry


All women are encouraged to participate in the fellowship opportunities offered through our Women’s Ministry. If you have questions, suggestions for future activities, or would like to offer to help in any way, please contact any of the officers.

Sunday, December 1

We are hosting a “Soup Sunday Coffee Hour”. Please bring a FAST-FRIENDLY soup in a crock pot before Liturgy. Cleaned and ready-to-serve fruit may also be brought. Register to bring a crock pot of soup or fruit by filling in this form following link: stnicholasgr.com/soup/ or contact Debra Taylor-Weiss. We look forward to sampling delicious soups, fruit and bread while enjoying fellowship following the Divine Liturgy.


Drop off bread and fruit to the counter top in the kitchenette.

Plug in your Crock-Pot of Soup in the kitchen before the Divine Liturgy.

Take a “Heart Shaped” Post-it note and write your name on it and put the sticker on the Lid of YOUR Crockpot. In that way, you are assured you will be taking your crock-pot lid.

Write the name of your soup on 2 index cards. They will be placed beside your soup on the serving tables.

If you have a ladle, please bring it, but be certain to have it labeled with your name.

If you can, help pick things up at the end of the Coffee Hour.

Be certain to take home everything that you brought. We can not leave things at the church.

Saturday, December 14 @ 9AM in the Cultural Center

Join us for breakfast and fellowship. Bring some of your favorite Christmas cookies to exchange and take home some new varieties made by your fellow parishioners. Bring as many or as few as you would like – just choose the same number you came with to take home.
SOYO-aged girls (seventh grade and up) are invited to attend. Contact Marian Lambert if you have questions. Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 2025 @ 9AM in the Cultural Center
Registration: [RETREAT]

Join the women of the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest as we welcome guest speaker Pres. Kerry Pappas. Pres. Kerry will engage us in a discussion of the topic: Wellness & Compassion: What is Connection?

We will explore teachings in the Scriptures, particularly creation and the earthly life of Jesus, that point to the reality of wellbeing as integral to our life in Christ and His Church. Then look at compassion and its centrality in the life of Christ, as a natural fruit borne from authentic wellbeing centered on life in Christ.

9 am – Coffee, Juice, and Continental Breakfast
9:45 am – Retreat begins
Noon – Lunch
3 pm – Dismissal

A free-will offering is encouraged to assist in underwriting the cost of this event. Registration: [RETREAT]

Pres. Kerry Pappas is the Coordinator for Clergy and Seminarian Couple Care of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America and a licensed marriage and family therapist. She is a graduate of Gettysburg College (BA), Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (MA), and Adler Graduate School (MA).  She leads marriage and women’s retreats in Orthodox Churches, has written articles on marriage for several publications, and is the author of the Center for Family Care’s “Becoming One” and “Time Out for Marriage” series.

Humanitarian Coordinator

Would you like to do something to serve other women but are not sure what that might be and don’t have a lot of free time?  Do you like the idea of organizing a project (with a lot of help) that would benefit women in need, perhaps who are facing challenges that especially touch your heart?  Would you like to use your talents to make a meaningful contribution to other women with the support of the women of our parish? 

 Our church’s women’s ministry, the Women of St Nicholas, would like to engage in one, maybe two, projects a year that would specifically benefit women in need in the Grand Rapids area. To do this, we are looking for someone to serve as a Humanitarian Coordinator. This Humanitarian Coordinator would research and identify women-focused organizations in the Grand Rapids area that our Women’s Ministry could support with some type of service project and coordinate projects to benefit identified organizations. The Humanitarian Coordinator would be fully supported by and work through the Women’s Leadership Team. If you are interested in the role of Humanitarian Coordinator, please get in touch with one of the leadership team members, Marian Lambert, Donna Gurk, Barb Thomas or Angela Boyer.   



Fun Opportunity you might be interested in!